The diaper bag. Every mom’s tote full of the arsenal of items for your little one. Whoever said babies are gear intensive was right! I have been lugging around a diaper bag for over 2 years now, and it is everywhere I go. The very few times I have forgotten it, I have truly paid for it with a blowout diaper, a hungry kid, or a ruined outfit. Don’t leave home without it! Lol So here you go, the list for a well stocked diaper bag for a baby and toddler!
1. Diapers.
The rule of thumb is one diaper for every two hours you are out. I like to pack about 4-6 diapers at all times for each kid.
2. Wipes.
I forgot this once, let me tell you, McDonald’s napkins don’t work as well. Take it from me, so that you won’t ever have to live this one. Yuck.
What do I need in a diaper bag?
3. Diaper Rash Cream.
Just in case, because you never know when you will one day need it and you don’t have it.
4. Portable Changing Mat.
Because you want a clean place to lay your kids down if needed.
5. Antibacterial Hand Sanitizer.
Because you deal with poo.
6. Large Ziplock Bag.
Because when you are on the go and have to change a diaper, sometimes there is no trash can in sight and that can be one funky smelling car.
7. Sippy Cup.
The ones that don’t spill when thrown on the car floor are the best in my opinion, lol.
8. Bottles and Formula.
Because hungry children.
RELATED POST: My Top 10 Baby Products
9. Filled Water Bottle.
As a back up for a thirsty mama or if you need water for the little ones.
10. Snacks.
I normally have pretzel sticks, animal crackers, raisins, or dried fruit, because you never know when hunger will hit.
Must Haves for a Diaper Bag
11. Books or Baby Toys.
Anything to keep them occupied, seriously.
12. Extra Outfits and Bibs.
Because spit up and blowouts happen, and on the nice clothes too.
13. First Aid Kit.
For all those booboos.
14. Receiving Blanket/Nursing Cover.
Lifesavers over and over again for covering baby when they are cold, for shade, for nursing, even spills. Because babies are high maintenance. Lol.
Diaper Bag Checklist
15. Pacifiers.
Pacis, binkys, etc. you know what I’m talking about here.
16. Hat.
Summer or winter depending, but they need some protection from the sun or weather in general.
17. Seasonal Items.
Sunscreen, portable fan, etc. Because spur of the moments make great for this.
Read other related articles such as:
- 10 Foods You Cant Eat While Pregnant
- 10 Things I Wish I knew While Pregnant
- 10 Important & Practical Things To Do Before Baby #2
- Dear Overwhelmed Mom, You’re Not Alone
- My Top 10 Baby Product List
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baby bag, nappy bag, backpack bag, best diaper bags, baby changing bags, mother bag, what so I need for a diaper bag, diaper bag item list, checklist for diaper bag, what to carry in your diaper bag, don’t leave home without these baby items, what do I need for baby
Great post for new parents!
Thank you! 😁