Before my son was born, I had many evenings where I researched everything “new mom” related. I spent many evenings on the couch Pinteresting and Google searching what exactly I was in for. Now, with baby #2 coming, it’s an entirely new ball game. What do you exactly need to do to get ready for your baby #2 when you already are a mom? Do I reuse everything? Is it the same thing all over? Well, here is a list of important and practical things to do before your second bundle of joy arrives. This list has truly helped me, so here it goes!
What to do before baby #2?
1. All About Baby Number One.
Start paying very special attention to the expiring only child, your baby #1, because their lives are about to change dramatically as well. Schedule alone time, plan special dates with them, even make a special maternity photo session with them. The key is to make this time with them a special one. Create lasting bonds and memories before baby #2 officially enters the world. If they are too young to remember this transition, make sure they are having that extra, extra special attention devoted to them.
Also, keep in mind that older children might have mixed emotions about a new little baby brother or sister. Some of them may become jealous, or might not quite understand everything, so having a talk with them and assuring them that you will love them just as much should be on the to do list before baby #2 arrives.
2. Where Will The New Baby Fit?
Figure out where the new baby will sleep, whether they will have their own space, sleep in your room for a bit, or share a room with your existing kid. Once you have that figured out, see what you can reuse, hand down or have to buy brand new. For example, for our family, we are reusing the pack and play, the swing, we bought a nice used crib off of a Facebook site and are buying a new mattress.
3. Tackle The House.
Deep clean, organize and have the house in order before you have to deal with birth. If you need help, don’t be afraid to ask! You are already busy chasing around one kid and pregnant, dealing with pains, shortness of breath, back problems and/or whatever else that pregnancy does to our bodies which is physically demanding. Coming home from the hospital, you are not going to want to or to have time to even clean. In fact, that is going to be the LAST thing on your mind.
Also, have some quick frozen meals or snacks ready for yourself, your family and any surprise visitors that just might show up. Remember also, you don’t have to play hostess with anyone, they can come visit, but for crying out loud, you just gave birth so they should understand.
What To Do To Prepare For The Second Baby
4. Financial Preparation.
Start buying items in bulk; diapers, wipes, formula (if you plan to) baby shampoos, new bottles, etc. The earlier you start buying in bulk and in advance, the less pinch you will feel in your wallet. If you still have any old baby items around still, inspect them to see if they need to be thrown out or can be reused again.
Also, if you have applied previously or even if you haven’t applied for baby product customer loyalty/reward programs (like Enfamil, Similac, Huggies, Pampers, etc.), you can sign up again for a new kid! Everyone knows kids can be expensive, so this can help when you are adding a new little person to the household. You will often get free samples and coupons when you sign up.
5. Transitions.
Get any and all big transitions out of the way or move them down to a later date. Transitions such as changing into a toddler bed and/or beginning poddy training can be a big commitment when going into life altering moments post birth. Decide whether or not you will commit during early/mid pregnancy to tackle them or set them to a later date.
Save yourself the headache of taking on a big transition shortly after you have given birth, you need time to heal and focus on your newborn. To sum it up, don’t start something you cant finish, through no fault of your own of course!
6. Dust Off The Old Birth Plan and Hospital Bag!
Still have this laying around somewhere? Did you ever make one with your first? Was there something you wish you would have done differently at the hospital? Now is the time to go over what you like, what worked and what didn’t work for you and your family. If you need a birth plan, click here. If you need a reminder as to what to take in your hospital bag, check out a list here.
7. Arrangements.
Make arrangements for first child during your birth. Have a game plan ready because some hospitals do not allow children in the labor and delivery room. Moreover, have a Plan B in the works as well, because you never know for certain if your Plan A will work out exactly like you intend. Sometimes, other things happen, emergencies happen to other people, people become unavailable, etc. If you have no close family, maybe a coworker, friend or neighbor can help with baby sitting or anything else you may need.
8. Planning Rest Time and Visitations.
It is super important to schedule out time to heal, your healing is incredibly important for the well being of yourself, your newborn and your family. You just had a baby! So please, plan ample time to give yourself a break and heal. Let everyone know before the arrival of Baby #2 that you will be taking it super easy on yourself the days after giving birth.
Make sure to discuss and schedule any and all baby visitations ahead of time and not after when you are at home recovering. If there are any visitors planned to help in the days following like relatives for example, schedule them in and make sure that they stay as long or as short a stay as you need them to. While planning your recovery time though, remember that they can help chase the toddler, help with taking the first born to any extra curricular activities they may be involved in, or even help make a meal or clean house.
What To Do Before Your Second Baby
9. Your Significant Other.
Go on one last date with your significant other! Get the dates in while you can, because if you think its difficult with one, it will be harder with two! The long distant memories of sleepless nights will be coming around again, so make sure you get to spend a little special time just for you two before the madness begins with the arrival of baby #2!
10. Pamper Yourself.
It’s already hard with one, and it will definitely be harder with two. You can make a Sunday afternoon spa day with a face mask, a soak in the tub with a bath bomb, soak your tired, preggo feet in a warm pedicure spa or even just take some time with some lavender scented candles and some relaxing music. The most important thing is a feeling of relaxation and rejuvenation.
I hope these 10 Important & Practical Things To Do Before Baby #2 list has helped you like it has helped me! Good luck mama, you got this!
Check out my related articles:
- 10 Things I Wish I Knew While Pregnant
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- My Top 10 Baby Products
These are great tips! Especially spending time with your first born. I have some amazing memories during our bonding time when I was pregnant!
Great tips ! These are really important one must know.. I love the last point , self-pampering stuff . Thank you for sharing !
I didn’t plan for visatation when ingot home but I was exhausted when I brought my son home. My daughter was sick and their dad was overwhelmed. I was glad to have my mom around.
i think spending time with the first is super important, because they can easily be over-looked.
I remember that I was so nervous for #2. It was a smooth and easy transition. I also remember thinking that as long as we had a bed and some diapers we were good because that’s really all baby NEEDS when they come home. Anything else can wait. It’s nice because we had pretty much everything from our first with crib, car seat, etc.
Great tips! Especially being intentional with the time spent with your existing child/ children and your hubby! Those first few months of newborn hazing might be tough and it’s easy to unintentionally neglect these people, and yourself.. thanks for sharing!
Great tips! My twins were born first, so I didn’t have an only child. But I remember taking each of them out for a separate “date with mommy” the week before we expected our new baby to arrive. We had so much fun painting a ceramic piece for them to keep, and they still remember it to this day.
My biggest battle was the financial preparation and getting big brother prepared. Thankfully both worked out very well. Big brother is honestly more help than anyone & he is so loving. I adore their bonding time!
This is perfect timing for me since I’m in the 3rd trimester with #2! I keep forgetting to pamper myself…I’m too focused on everything else!
Will keep this in mind when we have another baby !
These are all wonderful tips! Good luck and congrats!
Thank you! 🤗
Wow! This is such a great blog! Wish I would’ve had this before my second son