I love seeing my baby sleep so peacefully and my toddler just a ball of energy this summer, it’s hard for me to sometimes keep up! 👩👧👦😊 .
Now that I have two that I am taking care of, I want to make sure they have the best products available to them. The @twistshakebaby baby bottle has a mixer net in the baby bottle which helps all the lumps disappear and the sippycup has a filter that allows you to put fresh fruit in there and get natural fresh fruit water! YUM!! 🍓🍉🍑🍍 (Sponsored).
Use my discount code: lifeofacherrywife, and save 20% on the pastel assortment and also the NEW LIMITED pearl collection! With the same code, you also get 60% on all neon! (Like the ones pictured.) The discount applies to regular price.
In collaboration with Twistshake, #twistshake #twistshakebaby