Coronavirus. Staying at home. Social distancing. Flattening the curve. Self isolation. Coronavirus, Covid19, and all this input of catastrophic news everyday can be overwhelming and for those of us that suffer from anxiety like myself, it’s nerve wrecking to say the least.
Coronavirus and #FlatteningtheCurve
It’s hard to find anything good out of all of this. People are sick and many are dying. Others aren’t taking this seriously. We have assholes that knowingly go out and don’t care about others, and others that hoard toilet paper, groceries and leave anyone else high and dry. It’s hard to find goodness in the word. It leaves people feeling very bitter, and personally it’s hard to see an ounce of hope in anything right now. I had to really take a deep breath after sanitizing everything and think how I’m going to handle this for my kids.
Staying at Home During a Pandemic
I can see one thin silver lining in all of this, and I’m holding on to that with all I’ve got; that is the added family time together. Normal life (as we knew it), consisted of leaving by 7am during the week and all our family going their separate ways. We would spend the entire day separate and then come together by dinner time. Our weekdays were always rushed, our evenings too. Weekends were always trying to fit in family time, the laundry, the bills, the errands, and getting everything ready again for Monday morning. It’s all changed. Everything. All of it.
The New Temporary Normal
We don’t rush to get up and ready in the morning anymore. We don’t have what the kids are going to wear ready the night before. We aren’t rushing the kids at breakfast. We take our time now. Our days are not so strict and rigid and we sit at home spending time with each other. We finally have the time together we have wanted as a family. Granted, it’s not the way we wanted it, but nonetheless it’s there. If we can do anything with it, we can appreciate it and love one another, while living through this madness. We can hold each other a little tighter. It’s the time we always complained we never had enough of, now in our laps.
Stay safe, wash your hands, and love one another.
#selfquarantine #socialisolation #flattenthecurve #coronavirus #covid19
Related Post: Tips To Disinfect Your Home-Common Area Checklist
Want to know more about Coronavirus? Check here.
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