I love coming across books that deliver some tongue and cheek literature! I recently read “Goodnight Rona, A Pandemic Parody” by Stacey Russo and it delivered all the laughs we all really need.
Goodnight Rona Book Review
If you ever ready Goodnight Moon to your children, you will majorly appreciate this book. It has all the 2020 items we have all come to know all too well.
The toilet paper, zoom calls, large grocery bills….you name it, it is in this book.
Funny Literature
Stacey Russo delivers humor in a way that we can all appreciate in this book and I am absolutely here for it all. Big props to her for delivering humor in a time that we all desperately need it.
List of Great Books to Read!
If you need a laugh from 2020 then I suggest you pick up a copy of this book today.
It is funny, a little tongue and cheek and provides all the comic relief so many of us desperately need.
To Purchase: You can pick up her book on Amazon at this link here.
Tsunami Mommy
She also has another book called Tsunami Mommy and it is equally just as fun!
Happy Reading!