David Pena Jr: Learning From Male Mentors

David Pena Jr

Hey everyone! As I stop to ponder my 8 years of blogging and journey with Life of a Cherry Wife, I want to highlight one of my mentors, David Pena Jr.

This is a portion of my recent interview with my mentor,  David Pena Jr.


David Pena Jr. My Mentor

David Pena, Jr



I’m a product of the 956, I grew up in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas. I’m a First Generation college student and I have worked in the Non-Profit sector for over 25 years. I’ve lived and worked in Washington DC, Austin, Los Angeles, New York City and now back in San Antonio. The opportunities I have had professionally are all tied to my education. Due to those opportunities, I have sought to create opportunities and pathways for others. I’m proud to say that through my roles and programs I created I have helped increase the number of Latino/as in Business, Finance, Accounting, Dentistry, Entrepreneurs, and Journalism.



So I’d say I’d have to go back to sort of sharing about my background. I grew up in rural Texas to a migrant farm worker family. My scholarship to attend college was for first generation migrant farm workers. Through this opportunity I was able to benefit from which you know got me into college and created those professional opportunities which are something that I value and I’m very appreciative of those opportunities. It’s really about giving back, mentoring and creating pathways for others and that has really guided me in my decisions and you know where I serve.



I have a unique perspective having seen all these industries and sectors, but also the exposure at the liberal arts university prepared me for my opportunities. I own my own business and went that route on the small business owner entrepreneur, then I worked for government, sort of trying to tie back the political science aspect and then ended up in nonprofits and that’s really been for years. I’ve managed nonprofits and that’s really been my passion and it’s really tied to helping the Latino/a community and giving back because I’ve seen how education can change your life, how mentorship can change your life, and so I think that leading an organization specifically that helps the Latino/a community can be impactful and one person can make a difference. I hope that I’m making that difference.



Thank you for an opportunity to share a bit of my journey with you and thank you for the  questions.  Especially the question on why I mentor others.  Coming from a background of limited opportunities I’ve had the honor of learning from diverse leaders and from the challenges I have overcome throughout my career.  It is important to me to mentor and guide others. It’s rewarding to be there for others. Be it with a few minutes to listen, offer advice or introduce people to open doors.  It’s my small drop in a wave created for a larger impact.

David Pena Jr

You can find more about him on his Linkedin here on this link as well as read his 2018 Lifetime Achievement Award here.


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