Indoor activities for kids…I am always looking for new and fresh ideas! Since we are stuck inside right now, due to the Coronavirus aka Covid-19 situation across the world, I wanted to put together a list of ideas to entertain our kids during this time! This list can pretty much work for anything, really. Rainy days, winter storms, any time that you have to be isolated. So here we go, 50 things to do when you are stuck at home with the kids!
Fun Indoor Family Activities
1. Make Superhero costumes
2. Make paper airplanes
3. Paint pet rocks
4. Make recycled crayons
5. Draw a Picture
6. Make friendship bracelets
7. Make a Thankful jar
8. Paint with watercolors
9. Color in a coloring book
10. Chalk paint on the sidewalk
How Can I Make Staying Indoors Fun For Kids?
11. Make slime
12. Make playdough
13. Make sensory bags
14. Build a fort
15. Have a pillow fight
16. Movies in the living room
17. Put on a closet fashion show
18. Bake a cake or cupcakes
19. Family yoga
20. Build an obstacle course
Fun Rainy Day Activities For The Family
21. Make a family dinner together
22. Family lego building
23. Build a domino line fall
24. Build a stack of cards
25. Family board game play
26. Home scavenger hunt
27. Draw a painting
28. Have a dance party
29. Family chores (fun! lol)
30. Indoor hopscotch
Indoor Activities To Play With Kids
31. Play I spy
32. Play Simon says
33. Play bingo
34. Play hide and seek
35. Do a puzzle together
36. Family story time
37. Tell a haunted story
38. Play hot potato
39. Play musical chairs
40. Play family Pictionary
Fun Things To Do When Quarantined With Kids
41. Play rhyming games
42. Play Duck, Duck Goose
43. Make tie-dye clothes
44. Finger paint
45. Trace hands or feet pictures
46. Play musical instruments
47. Have an indoor picnic
48. Paint faces
49. Make home movies
50. Make shadow shapes on the wall
My personal favorite interactive kid toys:
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