This post is sponsored by BabbleBoxx.com on behalf of Nationwide.
Our children are the most important people in our lives. They rely on us 100 percent on everything from the food they eat, their shelter, the clothes they wear, everything. Life insurance will help provide for them if anything were to happen to us.
This year I lost my father and I realized that even though losing a parent as an adult is devastating, what would happen to my husband and I if we were gone tomorrow? What would happen to our children? How would they be taken care of? Our children’s future and financial security rely heavily on us.
Is Life Insurance Right For My Family?
This is obviously a difficult subject for many, but as parents we have to be aware that life is not promised. Dealing with my father’s passing has been a learning experience for our family. Although you think you are prepared, you are never fully prepared for the loss of a loved one. This can be especially hard for children and new caregivers.
As parents, we must understand that our children rely on us for life lessons, financial security and peace of mind. We have small children, and they do not understand the implications of loss, financial stability, or security, but we do. Seeing exactly how life insurance works through my own experiences, I now know how beneficial and important life insurance can be for our loved ones left behind.
Term Life Insurance Quote
Purchasing life insurance for your children if something were to happen to you can help your family supplement lost income. In addition, life insurance can help meet important financial needs like funeral costs, daily living expenses, college tuition, lost wages, and even retirement for some.
There are many miscellaneous expenses that arise when a loved one dies, and life insurance can be helpful to supplement and provide for the unexpected expenses the loss of a loved one can bring. The most important thing you can do is to ensure your little ones are taken care of if something were to happen to you.
Is Term Life Right For Me?
Protecting your children should always be a priority, but protecting them should also include securing their financial future should something happen to you as their provider. As we all know, kids can be expensive! From clothes, food, shelter, toys, just about everything! Life insurance can ensure they are taken care of when you are gone.
Life Insurance Rates
The process in getting the right amount of coverage is simpler than you think. In fact, the assumption is that most people expect it to be three times what it actually costs. Three times! (LIMA 2018 Insurance Barometer Study)
Let’s talk about insurance through your employer (if you have it, that is). Your life insurance could possibly be enough, but one point to remember is that employer policies generally cover one to two times your annual salary. For most people that will not cover their needs. Plus, if you change jobs, your policy will not move with you.
Taking care of these little ones is a full time job with full time expenses. Protect your children and take the time to put things in place should you not be here for them.
From personal experience, it did not cover all needs. It covered the funeral costs including the tombstone. Your children will need more than that, especially if they are little and have no way of making an income for themselves.
Life insurance premiums tend to rise as you age. So the earlier you lock in a rate, the better for you and your family.
Life Insurance Companies
Nationwide works with you one on one to answer all your questions and find the best policy right for you. They help answer your questions, analyze your needs, and guide you through the entire process. Remember, as their parent you are their highest advocate, and taking care of them even after you are gone will help continue to support them, even if you are not here.
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